Personal Finance Your personal financial needs are in your own hands.Features and benefits of SIIB personal Financing programs:• A competitive profit rate.• Flexible repayment schedules with grace periods.• Quick and easy processing of financing applications.Get personal finance from SIIB with monthly payments that suit your income. Our personal financing programs are Sharia'a compliant and designed to help you in meet your financial needs.SIIB offers the following financing programs:- Real-estate financing under Murabaha concept.- Education (tuition fees) financing.- Goods financing.- Working capital financing- Hajj and Umrah financing.- Travel financing.- Building materials financing.- Furniture and home appliances financing.- Cars (Auto) financing (currently suspended according to instructions from the Central Bank of Syria).The objectives of SIIB financing and investment policy:- Providing Islamic banking services and solutions that meet the needs of the Bank's clients- Commitment to incorporate Islamic values in every aspect of its business and abide by Sharia'a laws under the supervision of the Bank's Sharia'a Supervisory Board.- Providing a wide range of products and services that benefit all society segments. For more information, please visit the nearest branch or contact our call center at 033-9393.